Friday, October 12, 2012

Russia now has a Transhumanist party. The video above is both inspiring and insightful.

The Hunt for Alien Life Just Got Serious

A Dyson Sphere under construction
If you had $200,000, what would you do with it? According to Paul Gilster of Centauri Dreams, a scientist named Geoff Marcy has just received a $200,000 dollar grant to search for extraterrestrial life, and he's putting it to good use.

Marcy isn't just searching for any old slimy alien civilization, he's searching for an advanced race. More specifically, a Kardashev Type II civilization, by searching for Dyson Spheres.

Marcy plans to observe thousands of stars for tell-tale signs in the light signals we could expect to receive from them. Certain permutations would indicate a Dyson Sphere under construction. In addition, he will also be using the funding to monitor the prime candidates for laser communication. That's right- if there are phasers set to kill, we'll know about it.

Marcy's techniques are unique because they specifically would help to identify alien races potentially advanced enough to communicate with us across vast distances of space.
"Technological civilizations may communicate with their space probes located throughout the galaxy by using laser beams, either in visible light or infrared light. Laser light is detectable from other civilizations because the power is concentrated into a narrow beam and the light is all at one specific color or frequency. The lasers outshine the host star at the color of the laser." -Geoff Marcy

Contact with an advanced alien race would no doubt create new possibilities for the expedient technological advancement of humanity.

Now that's a good way to spend two hundred large.

The Beginning of the End

Is anyone else obsessive over the idea of "the end?"

I know most of you are, or else such pop-culture phenomenon as the Zombie Apocalypse, Doomsday Prepping and Economic Collapse wouldn't be as prevalent as they are.

I am here to help you discover and embrace a new kind of end: The end of suffering, of need, of death, of stupidity. I am here to help you welcome the end of humanity.

If you read the philosophy page, here, you will know that Transhumanists don't advocate the forced, um, "Transcendence," of those who wish to stay human. That doesn't mean that we aren't aware of attrition. Even the most ardently traditional "humanists" will have children who wish to become something more. As the years go by, Transhumans will continue to live, while generations of remaining humans will die off or choose to augment themselves- eventually, Homo Superior will be the only form of humanity left on the planet(living alongside artificially intelligent creations.)

As this is a young blog, I must admit that you will not find all of the information you seek here at this time. I therefore encourage you to visit the following website for more updates and to become more intimate with the coming reality: Humanity Plus Magazine.

Be aware, be knowledgable, and CONTRIBUTE.

The most powerful thing an individual can possess in the coming years is knowledge. Those of you who haven't discovered the beauty of physics, mathematics, and computer science should begin reading books written to enlighten the layperson.

I personally recommend Brian Greene's book, The Elegant Universe, and A Brief History of Time, by Stephen Hawking.

If you'd wish to start learning immediately about soon-to-be technology, Ray Kurzweil(the most prevalent figure in transhumanism today) wrote the must-read book The Singularity is Near, and released a movie called Transcendent Man, which is at this time available for instant streaming on Netflix.

It is important to inform yourself.

A brazilian company recently placed an order for a hundred "robot kiosks" to rove around malls, helping customers buy products and find information. Swarm intelligence in the form of robotic bees is currently being researched and developed. Eager "Biohackers" are implanting magnets into their fingertips in order to enhance themselves and be able to sense magnetic fields.

The time when new developments and discoveries happen faster than can be comprehended by the unaided human brain is fast approaching.

Prepare yourself to live forever.