What is Transhumanism? What do Transhumanists believe?
Transhumanists believe in in freedom of choice, in rights for every living thing in existence. One should be able to do as one wishes with their own body/sentience.
Traditionaly, the Transhumanist would like to augment their own body in order to increase their intelligence and awareness. Be it through germline modification, implanted computer technology, DNA modification which is not hereditary, or advanced prosthetics.
Many traditional institutions oppose the concepts and ideals of Transhumanists because we have not succeeded in properly presenting our ideals.
This is the modern Transhumanist's Manifesto:
1. That becoming Post-Human is not mandatory.
While the benefits of augmenting one's self is self-evident to the Transhumanist, many schools of thought don't see it this way. We respect individual choice, and believe in protecting the rights of homo sapiens and "homo superior" alike.
2. That Germline modification is just as much a choice for one's own body as abortion is.
Many see germline enhancement(DNA modifications which will be passed down to subsequent generations) as forcing unwanted advancements on society. THIS IS NOT OUR PERSPECTIVE. We see germline modification as an individual choice for oneself and one's posterity, and a choice that we should be free to make. If a child or grandchild is born into a world with abilities(such as extended lifespan, resistance to infection, superhuman strength, etc.) that they do not desire, the technology of the time should be sufficiently advanced as to reverse it.
3. That "Natural" is not synonymous with "Good"
Many opponents to Transhumanism are opposed on the basis of it not being "natural." This is arguable, as the developments and decisions of a naturally-evolved race could be construed as nature taking its course. Regardless, polio is natural. HIV/AIDS is natural. Death is natural. Whether or not you see Transhumanism as "natural" has no bearing on whether or not it is an inherently good thing.
4. That this is not science fiction
Technology is increasing at an exponential rate. More change happened in the last hundred years than in the past thousand before. More change has happened in the past thousand years than in the in the million before that, and more change will happen throughout the upcoming decades than did throughout the entire 20th century. Many people accept that interstellar travel, immortality, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, etc are inevitable- but they mistakenly assume they will happen thousands of years from now. These advancements can and WILL happen in our lifetime, and you must be prepared for it.
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